Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Maybe I am partial...

But Owls make cute babies!!!

I mean look at them! Here is just a sampling of the little cuties we have in the Alum family album... Mommies are in order Emily Devaney Replogle, Amy Melvin Roush, Tiffany Compan McCallen, Jenny Nieman Smith, Jessica Beyer Fry, Sherri Slagle Ebert, Erin Range Watson, April Wilson Ricciardo, Tricia Johnson Arthur, Alisha Conn Pagaino, Jill Pitcher Williams & Becky Devaney Stapleton, Emily Stout Fitzer, Tara Light Mowrey, Jennifer McConnaha... Please send along photos of your little people or your furry children, I would love to post them!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Owl Update ~ Melissa Mahaffey Garden

Here is what Melissa has been up to! So good to hear from her, she was my first pledge!

We live outside of Chicago. We are about 45 minutes from the city. We've been back from Singapore for 8 months now and haven't ventured there yet! (Can you believe that?) I'm teaching in a large suburban district. My commute is 30 minutes, which by Chicago standards is short. Derek's commute can take him up to an hour. (My commute in Westerville was 5 minutes...boy do I miss those days!) I'm teaching 8th grade math, and I really enjoy it. Delaney is 4 and a half and a busy bee. She loves being with her friends and loves school. Derek got his MBA from OSU two years ago and is working for Motorola now. Unfortunately he doesn't bring home any free phones for me!!! We'd love, love, love to have people come visit. We get lonely out here (and I need an excuse to go to the city)!

Update~ Kylie Sizemore Kerr

I got an email from Shauna Huff Piatt today letting me know that Kylie's sweet little boy Wesley is much better! She sends many thanks for all our thoughts and prayers for him and their family. She is currently going through the adjustment of going back to work keep her in your thoughts!
Thanks for the update Shauna and Kylie, we love you sweetie!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Hooter to Watch!

Hey ladies, just wanted to make sure you catch our own Ashley Palmer in the Webseries "Engaged"! How exciting, here is the email...

Hi guys,

Please check out the webseries "Engaged," a mock reality wedding show a la TLC's "A Wedding Story." I play a friend of the bride (a really awful friend of the bride) in Episode # 2.

The more views we get, the more of a chance that we could get financing for future episodes. My director tells me that YouTube allows you to click refresh 202 times...a day. I only recommend this for my most diehard fans, and those of you with exceedingly boring office jobs. Another way to help is to embed the video(s) onto your MySpace or Facebook page (the more embeds, the more YouTube deems it important), and pass it on to your friends!

HERE for the link for the first episode of "Engaged" or copy and paste the following:http://www.engagedtheshow.com/


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update: Kylie Sizemore

Many of you may remember Kylie Sizemore, and she's definitely in need of some prayers right now. We received this update from a fellow Otterbeinian about Kylie's son, Wesley:

Wesley got home Friday after spending a long week at Children's Hospital. He was diagnosed with acute bronchiolitis caused by RSV- a respiratory virus. Because Wesley was just 2 months old, he needed oxygen and IV fluids for about a week. Thursday night he was breathing on his own and Friday he was taken off of the IV.

I really appreciate all of your prayers. It has been a struggle for our family- especially Avery who missed her mommy and brother. However, Wesley is home now and doing better. Still coughing but he is having an easier time eating and keeping down his milk.

Thanks again for your support.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Mark your calendars early!

Jackson and Duncan at about five weeks, reunited for the first time when Duncan came home from the hospital.

So many of you know Duncan, Tricia and Scott's beloved baby boy who passed away this past October from complications stemming from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, this amazing little boy has tought all of us so much and we wanted to honor him at this year's HeartWalk. So, we are forming a team, for Duncan, I spoke with Tricia and Scott and they are looking forward to coming and being a part of everything (oooh, that means love on Jackson time!), so mark your calendars... August 23rd.
Yes, I know its early, but registration has already begun. We just need to establish our team (Becky is taking care of that and will be creating a website off of the American Heart Association so if you want to direct people who are willing to pledge money you can direct them there) and we will let you know the name to register under and what the website address is as soon as its created. The more the merrier, bring your family, bring friends, bring your dog. If you can get donations that would be wonderful, but most importantly just being there would be great.

We are trying to think of some team names, of course with Duncan's name in it... suggestions would be wonderful. Brianne Stewart Harman works at the AHA and is helping coordinate the entire event and is trying to get us a price break on Tshirts. Brianne, you rock! I am also looking into Tshirt for the little ones, so they dont feel left out!

I just wanted to put the word out early so we can see all of your beautiful faces that day! I know that so many of you have been deeply touched by Duncan's tremendous spirit and the Arthurs amazing strength and its so important to keep his legacy going. His sweet little heart made an impression on me that has forever changed me and I know many of you feel the same.

So, lets honor him and raise some money for a great foundation in his name!

I need:

1. Suggestions for the name of the team.
2. If you are going to sign up, what size tshirt you would want. (I am flashing back to Owl meetings!)
3. YOU- just being there with us all, is a gift in itself.
More to come... email me with any thoughts or questions you have emilyreplogle2004@yahoo.com

Love you all sweet sisters!