On Sunday we had the honor of planting and Flowering Dogwood tree now and forever known as "Duncan's Tree" and a stone at the base that has one of Scott and Tricia's favorite Bible verses. It was a bit of a surprise for the Arthurs, but tears of sadness and happiness flowed from us ALL! It was a beautiful moment and I was so happy to be a small part of it!
Thank you so much to Tina Mohn and Kat Wittman Wheeler for thinking of this wonderful event and thank you to Carli Amlin Dean, Sherri Slagle Ebert, Jessica Beyer Fry and Tiffany Compan McCallen for coordinating donations, for doing the readings and for the love that went into planning this. Also, thank you to Tricia's dear girlfriends KK Roggencamp and Becky Smith for helping us, Becky, thank you so much for getting the 1847 Room at Otterbein, it was perfect! Kat and Tina even arranged live music, they had a very talented guitarist sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful Word". It was so moving and beautiful, everything that sweet Duncan and the Arthur family deserves. For those of us who know them and have come to know them, they truly are amazing people. The love and strength they have and thier unwavering faith is an inspiration to us all. Tricia said at the end of the ceremony that she didn't know how to thank us all, but Tricia, just know that your family's life has enriched us all in so many ways that we all feel that you have done more for us.
God Bless All of you my sweets friends and sisters.
Thank you for contributing, for helping and thank you ahead of time, because we are going to the HeartWalk on August 25th for Duncan, we are going to be Duncan's Walking Warriors and anyone and everyone is invited. Sign ups start soon and my sis and I will have a specific webpage dedicated to our team where you can sign up or direct gracious people to give donations.
Tricia, Scott and Jackson, we feel your love in return, always know that, and we will always and forever keep your Little Warrior in our hearts and continue to honor him.
Here are a few photos.
Love you all,
Emily Devaney Replogle