Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Owl Addition~ Rochelle McKiethan Biemesderfer '98

Rochelle and husband welcomed a baby girl McKiethan Skye Biemeserder on Januray 24th at 6:24pm. Skye weighed 8lbs 2 ounces and was 21.5 inches long and all kinds of perfect.
Here is a picture of sweet little Skye and Mommy Shell with her little lady. She was released today after quite a difficult delivery and c-section. She and Brian happily packed up their bundle and headed home for some much needed rest. Congrats to the new family!!!!

Owl Additions Amber Casper Baumer 99

Amber, Lucy, Cici, Emma, Beck and Kaiya.
Forgive me for my EXTREME tardiness in this announcement but let welcome all the same a sweet set of Who's Whos... Amber and Josh Baumer welcomed twin girls Emma & Lucy on August 10th (see what I mean about tardiness, whew sorry). These two LONG awaited for beauties are just wonderful in every way and Amber and Josh are WONDERFUL parents.

They are fraternal and look completely different but are both just gorgeous little girls! They have their personalities all set too Emma~ she is the high maintenance girl (which I love!) and Lucy who is just lllllllllllaaaid back. They are too cute. Since its been WAY too long since my update, here are few pics of Amber and her sweet family. Congrats sweetie!


Twins like twins!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Calling ALL OWLS!! We are celebrating 100 years of Sigma Alpha Tau!!

We are so excited to be celebrating 100 years of our amazing sorority! I am so excited because I have heard of many of our sisters that are coming from ALL OVER:) It should be an incredible reunion and I know it will be a blast! Just some Info off the top of my head! For the out of towners, the official "Owl hotel" aka, we have reserved a block of rooms there is the Franklin Park Suits off of Polaris Pwwy and Gwen has assured all Owls the rate of $79 a night:) Here are some events that will be happeneing at the 100th party! The party begins on October 22nd in the evening so mark those calendar!!!

Friday, OCt. 22nd: Pizza/PJ Party at the hotel, this should be a blast, all sisters are invited, there will surely be singing, chanting, great stoies, jokes, pictures and anything else that happens when you get a big group of girls together in their PJS!!! I believe it will be in oneof the meeting rooms at the hotel:)

Saturday, Oct. 23rd: Begins with the Homecoming Parade at 10am, we may have an alumni float if anyone is interested to partake! We will then have a luncheon, likley on campus for all Owl Alumni and family as well as the entire active chapter.We will then follow that with an evening reception at Medaliion Country Club where there will be dace displays for everyone to look at and lots of meeting and greating! We will then have a formal sit down dinner with a cash bar and DJ. Should be great, significant others are invited!

Each of the 10 decades have a decade leader assigned to them to if you have any great pictures, stories, anything that could help, contact Gwen Swigart Nichols to find out who your daced leader is! I am the 1970s decade leader, so I get all the fabulous 70s sisters! I had a few people ask, the 1990s will be run by Ash Babbitt Reynolds, if you need an updated address for her, just email the blog and we will get it to you!

Hope to see all of you! Sorry for the more than likley numerous typos, I am typing quick at work!
Becky Devaney Stapleton!