Here is the exciting email I got from Kristen!!!
Hi Ladies! I love reading all of your updates so I'd thought I'd throw my current life story into the mix: Clay and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary in October, and have been living in Delaware since 2004. We adore our 3 year old boxer, Lola, who is spoiled rotten. A little over two years ago we decided that we wanted to expand our family with babies of the human variety as well, and had no idea what a roller coaster of a journey it would turn into. I am excited to share the news now though, that I am 6 weeks pregnant and so far the tests show that we're healthy and it's going well! As if that wasn't enough, my nephew, Scott Michael Sullivan was born yesterday 12/28/07! Scotty is 7lbs 15oz (three weeks early) and cute as a button. He joins his big sister Kimberly, who will turn 11 next week. (My brother and I are 13 years apart, so it appears he's following the same pattern with his kids.) Mommy & baby are doing great and should get to go home New Year's Eve. I hope you all had a wonderful 2007 and best wishes for 2008- Happy New Year! ~
Kristen (Sullivan) Mantovani '03
Please keep Kristen and her belly in your prayers! We are SO happy for you!
Oh Kristen - I am sooooo happy for you sweetheart. I am so happy Tiff got us in touch from one another. We share a wonderful connection! I am praying for you and Clay each and every day!!!!! Cannot wait to hear about your ultrasound!!!!!!
Love - Beck
I have to give much love to my great-grand... I am so excited for you & Clay, Lola too! :) Looking forward to all the updates... :) Tif
Congrats Kristen! Welcome to the club@
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