Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Owl get together, Saturday, Feb 7th

Hi beautiful sisters. I am trying to arrange an Owl get together for February 7th. We have been debating back and forth between lunhc out and lunch in. But I wanted to entend the invitation to all of our sisters reading this blog:)

We are going to do a white elephant gift exchange... which is where you look around your house and find the ugliest most worthless item you can find and wrap it up all pretty... then we pick numbers and presents can be stolen or traded... it is pretty funny. We already have several yes's, so please feel free to emial be at beckydevaney@hotmail.com if you would like to come. It will likely be in the Columbus Area since there are a lot of us here. I have offered my house if we decide to stay in, if we go out it will be a kid friendly place (and I will make reservations) so those of us who have to bring kiddos can do so:)

Please email me with any questions, as of this moment the time will be around 12:00 noon and we will change it if needed if any out of towners can make it! Also - any out of towners are welcome at my house after the lunch if we decide to go out.

Love to see all of you!

Love and Hoots!
Rebecca (Devaney) Stapleton '98

1 comment:

Tiffany McCallen said...

I'd love to see everyone, so I'm a tentative yes.