Hello Everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that Calvin's surgery went well yesterday. It took a lot more time then they expected because the cell growth was very rapid over the last couple of weeks. It will take about two weeks to find out if any of the cells are cancerous, so now it is just a waiting game. Our little Anatalia is at home with him for the next seven days. She has her doctor kit out and "checking" his blood pressure and "reads" to him about colors and feelings. Our surgeon isn't revealing too much at this time as far as the bone graph or the metal plate, but I guess that will all come in due time. I've attached a picture of my daughter Anatalia Francisco Cambridge. She'll be 2 this December! I hope you are all well. Thank you to everyone for keeping our sisterhood strong in Ohio. I may not be there there in person, but my heart is with you.
Eileen Fay Francisco-Cambridge
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