The pictures are (L-R) Becky and her two girls Kaiya and Cassie, Hannah being beautiful, Charlie with a big old grin, Hannah and Charlie playing happily- rare, Cassie sitting on my belly as we track my pregnancy and Adam and I last week at a Buckeye party.
I thought it would be fun to let you all know about me and what I am up to. My husband Adam and I have two beautiful children: Hannah who is three and Charlie is one. We are also expecting our third child on April 1st. (yes we know we are insane, we have been told many times). We currently live right by Otterbein in a very old and completely redone house (thank you Adam) but with the addition of this next baby, we have officially outgrown this house so we are currently getting ready to sell and move to a bigger home in the area.
Adam started his own business in August of last year and as it was a slow start, it has really taken off and he is so busy that he has had to hire two employees. He is doing phone work for large companies, installing the wires up to programing the entire system. It was a HUGE gamble to take (self starting businesses always are) but it has been worth it, thank goodness.
I am the president of the company, which basically means not too much! As of last Feburary I am a full time mommy, I did corporate training at a few different companies and I will go back to that once the kids are in school but right now I am enjoying being a mom. Although my employees are quite demanding. :)
That is about all for me, say a little prayer for me next week. I have had this cyst growing on my cheek for the last five or so months and I have to have surgery to have it removed. I finally went to the doc today and I see the surgeon on Tuesday to schedule. Once they remove it, it will be sent in to pathology which they assure me is routine and they do it any time they remove anything. So, it should be nothing. And my OB has assured me that going under "twilight" anestesia (I have no idea how to spell that) is very safe in the second trimester and the baby will do just fine. Its nice having someone else to worry about for the surgery, takes my mind off of things.
Other than that, love spending time with my kids and my sister's kids and LOVE seeing and spending time with my Owl girls.
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