Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update: Kylie Sizemore

Many of you may remember Kylie Sizemore, and she's definitely in need of some prayers right now. We received this update from a fellow Otterbeinian about Kylie's son, Wesley:

Wesley got home Friday after spending a long week at Children's Hospital. He was diagnosed with acute bronchiolitis caused by RSV- a respiratory virus. Because Wesley was just 2 months old, he needed oxygen and IV fluids for about a week. Thursday night he was breathing on his own and Friday he was taken off of the IV.

I really appreciate all of your prayers. It has been a struggle for our family- especially Avery who missed her mommy and brother. However, Wesley is home now and doing better. Still coughing but he is having an easier time eating and keeping down his milk.

Thanks again for your support.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting Tif! Kylie, sweetie, we are thinking of you! Charlie had a mild strain of RSV and it is terrifying! Please let us know if there is anything in the world you need. We are here for you sweetie!
Thank you Shauna for letting us know what was going on!

Gamma said...

Hey Kylie...sorry to hear that your son is sick, however I am glad to hear things are going better. Keep us posted on Wesley's health!